Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Assignment #7: Rule of Thirds and Leading Lines

   Rule of Thirds and Leading Lines

  This picture was taken in attempt to follow the rule of thirds. However, I wasn't as successful as I had wished. The photo turned out to look differently once uploaded on the computer. There is some mild editing. I used simple color enhancement and I also had to crop the photograph slightly. I should have stepped back one or two steps in order to capture a wider background. That way, it would have been easier to manipulate the placement of the subject. I took this picture because it looked like the lens was looking back at me, in a somewhat lively way.

The above picture was my attempt at leading lines. I wish the boats weren't there as they create some confusion and crowd my photo too much. Perhaps if there was something interesting at the end of my photograph, it would have been more successful.

I took this picture in another attempt at leading lins. When I looked up at the sky, I couldn't help but think it looked like a tetris game:) My imagination runs wild. I had to crop the picture slightly to make it look like what I had seen at the time. I don't think many people see it the same way I did. I don't think this is an accurate representation of leading lins as it doesn't lead to anything. It was just a random shot that caught my attention but I still chose to include it in my post.

This picture, I had high hopes for this one ...
When I took the photograph, I thought there would be more doors included in it. From the abgle I was standing at, the doors created a clear line towards the girl, who in turn is pointing in a new direction. It is like a zig zag that eye must follow. D'Alice suggested that the picture would have been better if I managed to close the last door, but I intended for it to b open. I wanted the audience to want to peak inside the slightly opened door to wonder what is hiding behind.

With this asignment, I realised that what I see is not what ends up in the shot. Every single picture looked different at the time it was taken and once I opened them, on the computer. I will work on making it more accurate and consistent.

Friday, 14 June 2013

Assignment #6 White balance

The first three pictures were taken inside. The first one was on auto mode, second in fluorescent and third was on the second fluorescent mode.The white of the pearls and cup was not pure. Therefore, it is hard to tell which of the three pictures is more accurate.

Now for the outside shots, I still decided to use the cup and the pearls. However, as I was taking the pictures, i noticed an old cigarette butt lying by my objcts. I included it into my picture since the white of the cigarette was a little closer to the real thing. As I was leaning down to take the pictures, a man walked past me and threw a full cigarette at my feet and said: use this. Strange yes, did it help? Also a yes. It was an interesting development. It made my assignment easir and more interesting. Now, my photo tells a story.For the first shot, I used fluorescent mode, then cloudy, then auto. I think the camera made the right decision. What I found strange was that it was a cloudy day and the camera didnt chose the cloudy setting. The auto mode mode was deffinetely the most accurate. What do you think?

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Assignment # 5 Exposure Composition Assignment

Assignment #5 : Exposure Composition Assignment

In this assignment, we were asked to take 5 pictures of two subjects. One that is dominantly light in tone, and the other that is dark. The purpose of taking 5 pictures of each was to experiment with the different EV +/-
This is my compilation of the dark toned subject;

What I am noticing is that the far left image, which was taken at EV2- is too dark. The picture at EV1- looks much better but is not quite as clear as the one at EV0. As we go into the positives, the pictures become blown out and blurry as there is too much light.

Here, I have my compilation of the light tone subject. I am noticing all the same issues with the extreme negative and extreme positive. The eV2+ completely blurs the picture making it almost all white. The EV2- is just too dark and hard to the eyes.Although I was manually able to adjust the exposure, the 0 seemed to be the best option with both subjects. It made me wonder if although it was set to manual mode, the camera still decided where the m,middle should be.